#JHZ: May 2013 #JHZ: May/June imported the scripts used for monitoring quality of data # taken 2010/2011/2012/2013 #JHZ: July developed the scripts for the option1 for image and plot calibrated # data for given a source #JHZ: August implemented for construction of line cube and moment image #JHZ: updated August 9, 2013 edited to 20110320 #JHZ: updated August 14, 2013 edited to 20110628, 20110815 #JHZ: developed the Options 2 for 20110105 # completed 20110105 script; Options 2 will be used for # upon users' request in case that the Options 1 fails to produce # image or image cubes from the calibrated data in the SMA archive. # # Please excute these scripts using SMA Miriad beta 1.4.5 or later versions # This area contains the reduction scripts (test versions) for the SMA data files observed as science tracks in 2011. We give the scripts only for those datasets that can be calibrated. # Option 1: for calibrated data, imaging and making spectral line plots, producing image line cube and constructing moment0 image; users must specify the name of the calibrated data which is located in the same area as the script. # Option 2: for end2end procedure from loading SMA raw data from SMA archive located on the RTDC system to editing, calibrating and imaging. The data path has been set up for the SMA archive on the RTDC system. #