Date:     January 6, 2012 (Friday).
Time:     10:00 to 11:00 am.
Location: Concord ave 160, 2nd Floor (M-240)
1) On-line training fresh Miriad users for SMA data reduction

Any fresh Miriad users (inside or outside CfA) can send email 
to to request for training for SMA data 
reduction. The basic information needs to be included in the email:
filename of a raw SMA science track dataset (from user own proposed 
projects or from SMA archive), e.g. 070930_04:24:39:
The name and rest-frequency of a primary spectral line that  users 
want to use.

Miriad experts would help fresh users developing e2e c-schell scripts from
loading, inspection, calibration and imaging based on their first SMA datasets
and primary needs.    

2) Support Operating Systems (OS) for SMA Miriad data reduction
Redhat and CentOS 5 and higher (well used.)
Fedaral Core 9 and higher (tested by several individual users after fix 
                           a minor problem in the graphic package pgplot;
                           support binary installation will be available
                           next week.) 
Ubuntu 10 and higher (working on some problems related to memory.)
Mac OS:
(has not been able to explore yet.)

3) Integrate SMA components back to miriad_cvs (Berkeley and Maryland)
(will do as soon as we go through the OS issues.)