[ Basic Info | References | User Guide ]

Basic Information on miriad

Task: miriad
Purpose: Simple Miriad front-end for dumb terminals.
Categories: tools

"miriad" is a command-line front-end to run Miriad tasks from a dumb
terminal. The commands that you give it are somewhat AIPS-like.
Unrecognised commands are passed to the host command interpreter.

The following are the recognised commands:

  set <key> <value>           Set or show a keyword.
  <key>=<value>               Set a keyword.
  unset <key> [<key> ... ]    Unset keyword(s).
  er <key>                    Line-edit a keyword value.
  task [<task>]               Set/show default task.
  inp [<task>]                Show settings of keywords to task.
  go  [<task>] [> log] [&]    Run a task.
  help [-k key] [-w] [<task>] Help on a task or topic.
  view [<task>]               Edit keyword file for task.
  save/load [file]            Save/load global keyword file.
  tget/tput [-l] [<task>]     Save/load task keyword file.
  setenv env value            Set environment variable.
  unsetenv env                Unset environment variable.
  cd <dir>                    Change and/or show current directory
  source <file>               Read commands from <file>
  exit                        Exit miriad and save variables.
  quit                        Exit miriad and do not save variables.

  help tasks
for more information about Miriad tasks.                              

User Guide References to miriad

[ Basic Info | References | User Guide ]

Generated by smamiriad@cfa.harvard.edu on 09 Jul 2012