[ Basic Info | User Guide ]

Basic Information on server

Task: server
This is used to specify the TV display device. It is giving in the




The first form causes a connection to be made with a network
display server, whereas the second form uses local hardware
directly. For the network servers, the server process may have
to be started before invoking the Miriad task -- see below.

Currently supported types are:

  xmtv          Miriad X server. `server' is the servers hostname.
                (use "localhost" if you are not networked)
                Normally the xmtv server will be the same host as
                the X server. The user will normally invoke the xmtv
                server before running any Miriad TV tasks, with

                  % xmtv  

                If the X server and xmtv server are on different
                hosts, you may need to set the DISPLAY environment
                variable on the xmtv server, and use xhost on the
                X server.

  ivas          IVAS (VMS only). `device' is the VMS device name.
                You will require an IIS IVAS for this.

  ivserver      IVAS server. `server' is the servers hostname.
                Servers are currently installed on
                castor.astro.uiuc.edu and bkyast.berkeley.edu.

  msss          Miriad Sun Screen server. `server' is the serving
                Sun, which can be any Sun with a console. The user
                will normally invoke the server before running
                any Miriad TV tasks, with

                  % msss  

  mxas          Miriad X server. `server' is the servers hostname.
                This is an inferior server to xmtv.

Generated by smamiriad@cfa.harvard.edu on 09 Jul 2012