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Basic Information on smauvplt

Task: smauvplt
Purpose: Make plots from a UV-data base on a PGPLOT device.
Categories: uv analysis, plotting

SmaUVPLT - Plot a variety of quantities from visibility data bases.
     Options are available to time average data (plot with optional
     error bars) and to plot different baselines on separate
     sub-plots on each page plus many others. With no time-averaging
     applied, the source-based visibilities are color-coded for each
     of the source-based polarization components. 

Key: vis
The input visibility file(s). Multiple input files and wild card
card expansion are supported.
No default

Key: line
This is the normal linetype specification. See the help on line
for more information. The default is all channels.

Key: select
This selects which visibilities to be used. Default is all
visibilities. See the Users Guide for information about how
to specify uv data selection.
Default is all data

Key: stokes
Select Stokes parameter(s) or polarization(s) from:
  xx, yy, xy, yx,  i, q, u, v,
  rr, ll, rl, lr
Default is all polarizations or Stokes parameters present

Key: axis
Two values (minimum match active), one for each of the x
and y axes chosen from:
  time                     [time in DD HH MM SS.S format]
  dtime                    [time in decimal days format]
  amplitude, real, imag    [natural units; Jy]
  phase                    [degrees]
  uu, vv, ww               [u, v & w in klambda]
  uc, vc, wc               [u, v & w, -u, -v & -w in klambda]
  uvdistance               [sqrt(u**2+v**2)]
  uvangle                  [uv pos'n angle clockwise from v axis]
  hangle                   [hour angle in HH MM SS.S]
  dhangle                  [hour angle in decimal hours]
  parang                   [parallactic angle in degrees]
  lst                      [local sidereal time in decimal hours]
  az                       [azimuth in degrees]
  el                       [elevation in degrees]
  airmass                  [airmass=1/sin(el)]
NOTE: parang is the true parallactic angle of the source, which can
be quite different from the angle between source and antenna feed
(Miriad variable chi).

Defaults are axis=time,amp  (x and y axes).

Key: xrange
Plot range in the x-direction
  If axis = uu, vv, or uvdistance [kilo-lambda;   2 values]
          unless OPTIONS=NANOSEC;     then   nanoseconds]
  If axis = uvangle               [degrees;       2 values]
  If axis = time                  [dd,hh,mm,ss.s; 8 values]
  If axis = dtime                 [decimal days;  2 values]
  If axis = amplitude, real, imag [natural units; 2 values]
  If axis = phase                 [degrees;       2 values]
  If axis = hangle                [hh,mm,ss.s;    6 values]
  If axis = dhangle               [decimal hours; 2 values]
  If axis = parang                [degrees;       2 values]
  If axis = az or el              [degrees;       2 values]
  If axis = airmass               [natural units; 2 values]
  If axis = lst                   [decimal hours; 2 values]

Default is to self-scale (see also OPTIONS=XIND).

Key: yrange
Plot range in the y-direction as for the x axis.  The
default is to self-scale (see also OPTIONS=YIND).

Key: average
The averaging time in minutes (unless OPTIONS=DAYS,HOURS,SECONDS).
Averaging is reset at frequency, source, or pointing centre
changes.  Individual baselines and polarizations are averaged
separately (unless OPTIONS=AVALL).  If you have selected multiple
channels and you also ask for time averaging, then all the
selected channels are averaged together in the time interval.
If you wish to use OPTIONS=AVALL to average everything on
the one subplot (e.g. polarizations) but don't want temporal
averaging, set AVERAGE to less than one integration.
Default is no averaging.

Key: hann
Hanning smoothing length (an odd integer < 15).   Is applied
after any time averaging and INC selection. Useful for amplitude
or phase, say, plotted against time.  Error bars remain unaffected
by Hanning smoothing.  Currently, the Hanning smoothing is unaware
of source or frequency changes. Use SELECT if you have boundary
Default is no smoothing (hann = 1).

Key: inc
Plot every INCth point (on each sub-plot) that would normally
have been selected.   Useful if you don't want to average, but
want to cut down on the number of plotted points.  Beware of
increments that divide exactly into the number of baselines
in time ordered data.
Default is 1.

Key: dotsize
Allows users to choose a symbol (dot) size in a range between
1-201. The actual plotted dot size depends on the device
resolution. Other internal symbol selecting function 
would be failed when this parameter is in use.
Default is to disable this function.

Key: options
Task enrichment options. Minimum match is effective.
 nocal   Do not apply the gain corrections
 nopol   Do not apply the polarization leakage corrections
 nopass  Do not apply the bandpass corrections

 nofqav  By default, uvplt averages together all channels from
         a visibility record before plotting. The nofqav option
         disables this, and causes individual channels to be
         plotted.  Note that this option is not active when
         time averaging is invoked (frequency averaging is always
         done then).

 nobase  Plot all baselines on the same plot, otherwise
         each baseline is plotted on a separate sub-plot.

 notitle Do not write any title on the plot.  Probably most useful
         if plotting all baselines on the same plot (using the
         "nobase" option).

 2pass   Normally uvplt makes assumptions about what it is
         expecting to find in the data with regards polarizations
         and baselines.   Under some conditions, uvplt may
         report that it has not allocated sufficient buffer
         space.  This option instructs uvplt to make two passes
         through the data, the first to accumulate precise
         information on the contents of the selected data so
         that buffer space is optimally allocated.
 unwrap  When plotting phase, try to unwrap it so that
         say, if one point is 179 deg and the next -179,
         they will be plotted as 179 and 181 deg.  NOTE:
         Unwrapping noise can be VERY misleading.

 rms     Draw error bars (+/- 1 standard deviation) on the plot if
         averaging is invoked (not available yet for vector 
 mrms    Draw error bars (+/- 1 standard deviation in the mean)
         on the plot if averaging is invoked (not available yet 
         for vector averaging).
 noerr   The automatically worked out min and max plot limits
         will NOT include the ends of the error bars.

 all     Plot flagged and unflagged visibilties

 flagged Plot only flagged visibilities
         The default is to plot only unflagged (good) visibilities
         ALL overrides  FLAGGED

 nanosec u and v are plotted in nano-seconds rather than k-lambda

 days    The averaging interval is in days rather than minutes
 hours   The averaging interval is in hours rather than minutes
 seconds The averaging time is in seconds rather than minutes

 xind    If the x-axis is self-scaled, then unless OPTIONS=NOBASE,
         setting XIND will cause each sub-plot to have the x-axis
         self-scaled independently.  The default is that the x-range
         used is that which encompasses the ranges from all sub-plots.
 yind    The equivalent for the y-axis.

 equal   Plot x and y with equal scales.  Useful only for plots
         like AXIS=UU,VV.  Does not mean the plot will necessarily
         be square.

 zero    Plot the x=0 and y=0 lines.

 symbols Each file is plotted with a different plot symbol.

 nocolor Each file is plotted with the same colour (white). By
         default and when there is only one polarization, each
         file has a separate colour.

 dots    If time averaging is invoked, plot the data with dots
         rather than filled in circles.  These plot much faster
         on hardcopy devices.

 source  Put the source name rather than the file name in the
         plot title

 inter   After the plot is drawn, you get a chance to redraw
         the plot with a different x- and y-range, and also
         on a different device.  In this way you can make a
         hard-copy without re-running the program. In this case,
         points outside of the user specified x,y-range are
         ARE included in the plot buffer, so that if you redefine
         the ranges, those points are available for plotting.

 log     Write the values and errors (if averaging) that are
         plotted into the log file.  No attempt to separate
         baselines is made, except that automatically obtained
         by not setting OPTIONS=NOBASE

 corrupt Pass all the data including corrupted ones.
         Default is to reset corrupted complex data points with
         a value (1.0,0.0) and impose flags.

 ch0     Means taking the first channel (ch0) data for continuum,
           equivalent to select=window(1).
 ifsall  Means all the 48 spectral chunk data, equivalent
         to select=window(2,3,...,49) or select=-window(1).
         Or, for a hybrid spectral resolution with a total number
         of N spectral windows, N<48, equivalent to
 if1     Means the first IF in the sideband--the first 24 spectral
         chunk data, equivalent to select=window(2,3,...,25).
 if2     Means the second IF in the sideband--the rest 24 spectral
         chunk data, equivalent to select=window(26,27,...,49).
         Default is the 48 spectral chunk data or N spectral
         chunk data for a hybid-resolution mode.

Key: title
Allow users to choose single title content with two characters:
title = BL    ->     Baseline label;
      = PO    ->     Polarization label;
      = FR    ->     Frequency label;
      = AV    ->     Averaging time.
And the font size for the title and the axis labelling would be
enlarged by a factor of 1.5 in comparison with that in default.
Keyword size(1) is disabled.
Default is for labelling all the information above.

Key: device
PGPLOT plot device/type. No default.

Key: nxy
Number of plots in the x and y directions for when plotting
each baseline separately. Defaults try to choose something

Key: size
PGPLOT character sizes, in units of the default size (i.e., 1)
First value is for the labels, the second is for the symbol size
Defaults depend upon the number of sub-plots. The second value
defaults to the first. Non-default value of size will disable
the source labelling.

Key: filelabel
This gives an option to label the file name in the plot:
 filelabel = -1, not to label the file name, the default;
 filelabel =  0, label the file name to each of panel plots;
 filelabel =  1, label the file name to the 1st panel in
              the case of multiple panels.

Key: log
The output logfile name. The default is the terminal.

Key: comment
A one line comment which is written into the logfile.

User Guide References to smauvplt

[ Basic Info | References | User Guide ]

Generated by smamiriad@cfa.harvard.edu on 09 Jul 2012