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Basic Information on smauvspec

Task: smauvspec
Purpose: Plot averaged spectra of a visibility dataset.
Categories: uv analysis

SmaUVSPEC plots averaged spectra of a visibility dataset. 
Averaging can be in both time and frequency. SmaUVSPEC also 
provides facility for users to identify spectral lines using 
the on-line JPL catalog.

Key: vis
The name of the input uv data sets. Several can be given 
(wild cards are supported). No default.

Key: select
The normal uv selection commands. The default is plot everything.

Key: line
The normal uv linetype in the form:
The default is all channels (or all wide channels if there are 
no spectral channels).

Key: stokes
The Stokes/polarization types to be plotted. The default is to
plot those polarizations present in the input files.

Key: interval
Time averaging interval, in minutes. The default is 0 (i.e. no

Key: hann
Hanning smoothing width (an odd integer).  Smoothing is
applied after averaging. Default is 1 (no Hanning smoothing).

Key: offset
An offset (in arcsec) to shift the data. Positive values result 
in the data center being shifted to the North and East. Two 
values should be given, being the shift in the RA and DEC directions.
The default is 0,0 (i.e. no shift).

Key: options
This gives extra processing options. Several options can be given,
each separated by commas. They may be abbreviated to the minimum
needed to avoid ambiguity. Possible options are:
   'nocal'       Do not apply the gains file. By default, SmaUVSPEC
                 applies the gains file in copying the data.
   'nopass'      Do not apply bandpass corrections. By default,
                 SmaUVSPEC corrects for the bandpass shape if the
                 required information is available.
   'nopol'       Do not apply polarizatiopn corrections. By default
                 SmaUVSPEC corrects for polarization corss-talk.
   'ampscalar'   When plotting amplitude, this causes it to perform
                 scalar averaging. By default it does vector averaging.
   'rms'         When plotting amplitude, this causes it to plot
                 the rms amplitude. by default it does vector 
   'nobase'      Plot all the baselines on one plot.
   'avall'       Average all the baselines together before plotting.
   'dots'        Plot phases with dots instead of filled circles.
   'flagged'     Plot flagged data instead of unflagged data. The
                 default is to plot only unflagged data.
   'all'         Plot both flagged and unflagged data.
   'jplcat'      Plot JPL catalog lines. The xaxis and yaxis are
                 then forced to be frequency and ampltiude.
   'restfreq'    plot the frequency in the source rest frame 
                 when using the JPL catalog (options=jplcat is chosen.)
                 Default is to plot the sky frequency.
   'bwplot'      Make black and white plot. Default is in color.
   'corrupt'     Pass all the data including corrupted ones.
                 Default is to reset corrupted complex data points with
                 a value (1.0,0.0).
   'errmsg'      Print out the detailed messages on the bad 
                 correlations. Default is not to print

   'ifsall'      Means all the 48 spectral chunk data, equivalent
                 to select=window(2,3,...,49) or select=-window(1).
                 Or, for a hybrid spectral resolution with a total 
                 number of N spectral windows, N<48, equivalent to
   'if1'         Means the first IF in the sideband--the first 24 
                 spectral chunk data, equivalent to 
   'if2'         Means the second IF in the sideband--the rest 24 
                 spectral chunk data, equivalent to 
                 Default is the 48 spectral chunk data or N spectral
                 chunk data for a hybid-resolution mode.            

Key: catpath
This gives the path of JPL catalog. No Default. When script
$MIR/install/get_jplcatalog is used to install the JPL catalog,
the path of JPL catalog is assigned to: $MIRCAT/jplcat/; 
otherwise, it can be specified by users.

Key: vsource
The radial velocity of source in km/s w.r.t. the LSR or
the barycenter. The velocity reference frame is given 
in veltype. Positive velocity is away from observer.
Default is zero.

Key: veltype
This gives the reference frame. Either the LSR or the BARY 
(barycenter) is supported. The default is the one defined 
in the uv data. 

Key: veldef
This is the velocity definition used in the shift of the catalog lines.
   radio         is the radio definition.
   optic         is the optical definition.
   relat         is the special relativistic expressions.
The default is "radio".

Key: strngl
This is the common log of the minimum strength in the JPL catalog units.
The default is -500.

Key: axis
This gives two strings, which determine the X and Y axes of each plot.
The values can be abbreviated to uniqueness.
Possible values for the X axis are:
   channel       X-axis is channel number.
   frequency     X-axis is the sky frequency, in GHz.
   dfrequency    X-axis is the Doppler-corrected frequency, in GHz.
   velocity      X-axis is velocity in radio convention, in km/sec.
   felocity      X-axis is velocity in optical convention, in km/sec.
   lag           X-axis is lag number.
Possible values for the Y axis are:
   amplitude     Plot amplitude.
   phase         Plot phase.
   real          Plot real part of the data.
   imaginary     Plot imaginary part of the data.
   both          Plot both amplitude and phase.
The default is axis=channel,amplitude.

Key: xlabel
Two-dimension character array for x-axis label, Maximum number
of characters for each array element are 16. Usage:
e.g., xlabel=Vlsr,km/s for 'Vlsr (km/s)'. 

Key: ylabel
Two-dimension character array for y-axis label, Maximum number
of characters for each array element are 16. Usage:
e.g., ylabel=Flux-density,Jy for 'Flux-density (Jy)'.

Key: yrange
The min and max range along the y axis of the plots. The default
is to autoscale.
Note: in the case of yaxis=both, the range is specified by the 
      yrange to the variable amplitude. The phase is plotted below 
      the amplitude in the bottom panel with the range from -180 to 
      180 degree. 

Key: dotsize
Allows users to choose a symbol (dot) size in a range between
1-201. The actual plotted dot size depends on the device
resolution. Other internal symbol selecting function
would be failed when this parameter is in use.
Default is to disable this function.

Key: title
Allow users to choose single title content with two characters:
title = BL    ->     Baseline label;
      = PO    ->     Polarization label;
      = TI    ->     Time label;
      = IN    ->     Time interval.
And the font size for the title and the axis labelling would be
enlarged by a factor of 1.5.
Default is for labelling all the information above.
Default is used in the case of using JPL catalog to identify
molecular lines.

Key: device
PGPLOT plot device/type. No default.

Key: nxy
Number of plots in the x and y directions. The default is
determined from the number of antennae in the data-sets.

Key: log
Log file into which the spectra are dumped in the order in which
they are plotted.  Really only useful if your plot is quite 
simple. If log=badcorr.txt, then the detailed information on
the bad correlations are listed in the ASCII log file badcorr.txt

User Guide References to smauvspec

[ Basic Info | References | User Guide ]

Generated by smamiriad@cfa.harvard.edu on 09 Jul 2012