date:	Fri, Nov. 10, 2017 at 2:30 PM
subject:	MIriad-SMA-WB5.0.6 released

New version of Miriad (Miriad-SMA-WB5.0.6) has been exported to both RG and Hawaii:

Patches have been made to fix data issues in several files including 
two of Chris Sedgwick's program: 170616_03:00:50 and 170617_02:38:09  as well as
Shaye Storm (PI)'s 170210_02:33:39 

In addition, smauvspec is implemented for large number of visibility points in display;
flagch0 options for swarm DRX mode in smalod is implemented; added screen dump message 
for repairing the issues of the size limit for source names.