Community Mapping Experiment: How to Convert Latitude and Longitude to Map Coordinates

These instructions are necessary for completing the Community Mapping Experiment Summary Form.

To convert the Latitude or Longitude to Map Coordinates (MC):

Step 1: Multiply (×) the "degrees" by 60

Step 2: Add (+) the "minutes"

Step 3: If the Latitude (Longitude) degrees are S (W) use a minus sign ("-") in front. This result is the Latitude (Longitude) converted to Minutes.

Step 4: Subtract Reference Location converted to Minutes.

Example Location:



N / S 42


E / W 71






Latitude Map Coordinates:

Step 1: Degrees × 60 = 42 × 60 = 2520

Step 2: 2520 + 20.736 = 2540.736

Step 3: The Latitude is not "S" so the Latitude converted to Minutes is 2540.736

Step 4: Suppose the Latitude Reference Location converted to Minutes is 2545.273. Then the answer is

2540.736 -2545.273 = -4.537

Longitude Map Coordinates:

Step 1: Degrees × 60 = 71 × 60 = 4260

Step 2: 4260 + 5.745 = 4265.745

Step 3: The Longitude is "W" so the answer is -4265.745

Step 4: Suppose the Longitude Reference Location converted to Minutes is -4267.523. Then the answer is

-4265.745 - (-4267.523) = +1.788