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A New Physical Science Curriculum.
"From the Ground Up!" is an exciting new physical science curriculum that engages students in hands-on explorations of the universe, using a global network of educational telescopes that can be controlled over the Internet. If you teach physics, physical science, astronomy, or earth science at the middle- or high-school level, then "From the Ground Up!" can add a new dimension to your classroom.

Extend Your Existing Curriculum.
"From the Ground Up!" is designed to reinforce and deepen the physical science curriculum you use now. The project's hands-on investigations explore light and color; size and scale; laws of motion; and the nature of scientific investigation. The project is not an astronomy curriculum as such; it is designed for many disciplinary settings.

A Telescope Network at Your Fingertips.
"From the Ground Up!" uses a global network of educational telescopes—called MicroObservatory—that can be accessed and controlled directly over the Internet. The MicroObservatory telescopes were designed and built by a team of scientists and educators at the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics. For more information about the telescopes, visit the MicroObservatory home page.

How to Use This Site.
First, familiarize yourself with the goals and features of "From the Ground Up!" in this ABOUT THE PROJECT section.

If you are a teacher or educator and would like to help develop, evaluate, or use the project's curriculum materials, select APPLY from the menu to find out how to participate.

Participants in "From the Ground Up!" can access the telescope control room by selecting TELESCOPES from the menu.

To view or download the "From the Ground Up!" activities, please visit ACTIVITIES.

From the Ground Up! is sponsored by the National Science Foundation and produced at the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics in Cambridge, Massachusetts.