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Dense Cores
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Continuum survey of cloud cores

 An unbiased wide-area continuum survey at  350µm of all nearby molecular regions to identify dense cloud cores should be able to locate all such regions within 500 pc of the Sun. This project can best be carried out at a wavelength of  ~ 350µm; observing at this relatively long wavelength will ensure that even the most heavily obscured (deeply embedded) sources will be included. The SPST will be particularly capable of tracing extended protostellar disks, and connections between these disks and surrounding, placental material. Follow-on studies at 200µm  wavelength may help discriminate among protostellar models.

Spectral line survey of detected cloud cores in kinematic tracers of the star-forming gas

 Such a survey would enable discrimination among the variety of complex motions found in these regions, and in particular, identification of objects in which infall of material is occurring. 

Thermal balance of star-forming regions: cooling line inventory and PDR studies

Theoretical studies have established the importance of molecular  cooling in the initial phases of star formation;  cooling at densities > 106 cm-3 is by a large number of lines  of many different species.


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Last modified: April 22, 2000