L1251A Coordinates

Sourcelist for FCRAO Observations East South Box 1 Box 1 Box
Expected Decml. Decml. arcmin arcmin Decml. Decml. Orientation
Name rah ram ras decd decmin decsec v_lsr peak~T_A* RA (deg) Dec. (deg) to Box 1 to Box 1 RA (deg) Dec. (deg)
Peak: L1251A 22 29 34.1 74 58 51 -4 0.8K 337.3921 74.9808
(0,0) NH_3: L1251A 22 29 3.2 74 58 51 -4 337.2633 74.9808 5.5 3 337.6171 74.9308 N-S long axis
Note: All offset coordinates take into account cos(dec) correction and are 1950.

Last Update: 4/7/97

Name: Alyssa A. Goodman