Polarization 101


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Table of Contents

Polarization 101

PPT Slide

PPT Slide

PPT Slide

Will the true source please stand up?

WhatÌs good where (now)?

The Galaxy

Na'vet»: The way we once thought things might be...

Dark Cloud Complexes: 1-10 pc scales

Cold Dark Clouds: (Not) Looking Inside

PPT Slide

Dark Cloud Complexes: 1-10 pc scales

ÏGo no further than AV~1.3 mag.Ó

Dark Cloud Complexes: 1-10 pc scales 3D MHD simulation of Gammie, Stone & Ostriker (in prep.)

Thermal Emission Polarimetry


Thermal Emission Polarimetry around Individual YSOÌs & Outflows

Outflow along the B-field? (Yes, maybe.)

Relation to the Large-Scale field

PPV: WhatÌs good where (then)?

Author: Alyssa A. Goodman

Email: agoodman@cfa.harvard.edu

Home Page: http://cfa-www.harvard.edu/~agoodman

Other information:
This was presented on 11/2/00 in Harvard University AY208. The full version is at http://cfa-www.harvard.edu/~agoodman/ppiv/ as a presentation, or in the book "Protostars and Planets IV," published in 2000 by U. Arizona Press.

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