
This cube was given for SCF analysis by Dave Wilner. The analysis of the data cube is presented in AJ...115,247.

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Moment Analysis for 3c391 Data Cube
3c391 Real Data Randomized Data
Parameter Mean Std. Deviation Skewness Kurtosis Mean Std. Deviation Skewness Kurtosis Change in Means
S 0.63 0.0552 -0.264 -0.0732 0.482 0.0936 -1.34 2.13 0.148
Sl 0.585 0.0557 0.14 -0.614 0.377 0.0664 -0.422 0.207 0.208
Ss 0.57 0.0752 -0.255 -0.543 0.347 0.118 -0.717 0.234 0.223
S0 0.539 0.069 0.175 -0.792 0.292 0.0903 -0.966 0.918 0.247
l 0.0384 0.841 0.0419 1.44 0.884 2.67 0.363 0.166 -0.8456
ll 0.0818 0.825 0.623 3.33 0.936 2.51 0.0487 -0.381 -0.8542

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