Bill Hoffmann, Phil Hinz
June 13, 2000

The 20 images in the MMT Seeing Movie are a record of MMT seeing June 12, 2000 at 12.5 microns obtained with the nulling interferometer, BLINC, and the mid-infrared camera, MIRAC. They were used in their imaging mode at a magnification of 1.00 and pixel scale of .16 arcsec per pixel. The images have been processed with a bad pixel mask, and a subtracted sky image to remove the sky background and pixel offsets. The exposure time for each image is 0.9 seconds. The images were taken at a rate of approximately one per 0.79 seconds. The accompanying images are a 40x40 pixel portion of the 128x128 pixel array. The full width half maximum on this night was typically 3.3 pixels (0.53 arcsec).

Last update: 2000/09/05
William Hoffmann