from:	Thomas, Holly Sarah 
date:	Oct 19, 2021, 10:41 AM
subject:	pyuvdata & anaconda3 on the RTDC

An alpha version of pyuvdata has been installed on the RTDC. This package allows 
the conversion of raw SMA data to CASA format. 

We encourage users to give it a try and to report any problems to 
Karto -

Instructions for running pyuvdata can be found at this link

Note that a clean installation of anaconda3 has been added to the path on all RTDC machines, 
making this the default python. If you require anaconda2, you can set this path in your 
.cshrc (setenv PATH /opt/anaconda2/bin/:$PATH) or .bashrc 
(export PATH=/opt/anaconda2/bin/:$PATH) files. 

If users come across any issues launching VNC sessions please let me know. 

Holly Thomas
Radio Telescope Data Center
Center for Astrophysics | Harvard & Smithsonian

Office: (617) 496 0172 | Office: M-322
60 Garden Street | MS 42 | Cambridge, MA 02138