Instruction for wSMA Data Reduction on CASA

Abstract -

    A procedure of SMA data reduction on CASA can be separated into three cycles, namely, Pipeline SWARM data to CASA, Calibrations of SWARM data, and Imaging calibrated SWARM data, consisting of sixteen steps:

    • Step 0: Pipeline SMA data to CASA and apply online corrections -
    • Step 1: Prepare for calibration -
    • Step 2: Inspecting and editing data -
    • Step 3: Set flux-density scale -
    • Step 4: Solve for delay and bandpass -
    • Step 5: Apply the delay and bandpass solution to the BP, CG, FL data1 -
    • Step 6: Solve for complex gain -
    • Step 7: Bootstrap flux-density scale from a reference source -
    • Step 8: Apply calibration solutions to the data -
    • Step 9: Examine and edit calibrated data -
    • Step 10: Split calibrated multi-source data into single-source sets -
    • Step 11: Examine the calibrated data with imaging -
    • Step 12: Image continuum emission (MS-MFS) -
    • Step 13: Identify spectral lines and construct image cubes -
    • Step 14: Combine of different array data -
    • Step 15: Convert CASA image to FITS -
    This webpage provides a demostration for wSMA data reduction on CASA after raw swarm data from SMA data archive converted to CASA format - measurementSet with the newly developed pipeline software SWARM2CASA (1.0.5). The detailed usages of the pipeline are scripted in swarm2casa.csh, discussed in Step 0. A CASA procedure for the calibration and imaging of SMA swarm data is discussed in the thirteen steps (Step 1 - 13). Step 14 provides an extra guideline if two or more data sets taken in different array configurations need to be combined. Step 15 allows users to convert CASA images to FITS format for analysis in other software packages. The demonstration below uses SMA swarm data set 181002_03:55:28 of SMA project: 2018A-S005 with archived information:
    PI                 - Tomasz Kaminski
    Target             - CK Vul
    RA (J2000)         - 19:47:38.07
    Dec (J2000)        - 27:18:45.2
    LO Freq (GHz)      - 340.8 (B), 340.8 (A) (B: 400 rx , A: 345 rx)
    N-bsln             - 28(B), 28(A)
    Angular resolution - 2.51"(B), 2.57"(B)
    Time               - 227 min
    1The calibrator codes BP, CG, FL stand for bandpass, complex gain, and flux density.

      • Pipeline SWARM to CASA -
        • Step 0: Pipeline SMA data to CASA and apply online corrections -
          • Input SMA swarm data: 181002_03:55:28
          • Usage of C-shell script: swarm2casa.csh
          • Purpose with OPTIONS = 2:
            • convert SMA swarm data into CASA measurementSet
            • apply Tsys corrections and online error flagging
          • Output of CASA measurementSet:

      • Calibrations of SWARM data -
        • Definition of variables for CASA-python-script modules -
          • ############################################
            #define variables for swarm data reduction #
            datain   = 'SMA181002'
            inttime  = 5.2   #~5.16
            dinttime = 10.4
            tinttime = 16
            qsecond  = 30.0
            allspw   = '0~15'
            allspw1  = '0~15:512~15871'
            allspw2  = '0~15:1024~15359'
            quadspw  = '0,4,8,12'
            nchspw   = 16384
            nchnew   =  1792
            width0   =    1
            width1   =    2
            width2   =    4
            width3   =    8
            width4   =   16
            width5   =   32
            width6   =   64
            width7   =  128
            avgchan0 =   '1'
            avgchan1 =   '2'
            avgchan2 =   '4'
            avgchan3 =   '8'
            avgchan4 =  '16'
            avgchan5 =  '32'
            avgchan6 =  '64'
            avgchan7 = '128'
            #user's setup below -                       #
            # Note for import data -                   
            # the input measurementSet must be created via the swarm2casa path 
            #prefix of swarm measurementSet -           
            datain   = 'SMA181002'
            #full name of swarm measurementSet -        
            datainms = ''
            #number of channels to average -        
            bw       = width3
            #define source code -
            CG = '0'   #complex gain calibrator
            T1 = '1'   #primary target
            T2 = '2'   #secondary target
            FL = '3'   #flux density scale calibrator
            BP = '4~5' #bandpass calibrator
            BP2 =  '3' #secondary bandpass calibrator
            #define source name -
            BPname = '3c84'
            BP2name ='Neptune'
            CGname = '2015+371'
            T1name = 'CKVul'
            T2name = 'mwc349a'
            FLname = 'Neptune'
            #define reference antenna -
            rant = '5'
            Step 1: Prepare for calibration-
              CASA tasks:                              
            • Usage of CASA-python-script module -
              • Listobs output -
              • Table 1: Source/Field information -
                Source (Field) information reported from CASA listobs
                4~5 BP*3c84/0319+41503:19:48.160229+ 3696/66640
                *Check listobs_log for the issue of source ID and spw mix-up
                #Note for Code:
                BP - bandpass
                CG - complex gain
                T1 - Target source
                T2 - Secondary target source for examing calibration
                FL - Flux density scale calibrator
                $ BP2 = FL - Neptune is an option to be used to solve for bandpass; however, Neptune's spectrum presents a significant broad spectral feature and is not suitable for bandpass calibration but is good for examining bandpass calibration.

                Table 2: Correlator/Frequency configuration, original -
                Spectral Windows: (16 unique spectral windows and 1 unique polarization setups)
                1none16384LSRK332663.081 139.6482288000.0333807.0108XX
                3none16384LSRK328663.088 139.6482288000.0329807.0181 XX
                4 none 16384 LSRK 344963.088 -139.648 2288000.0 343819.1576 XX
                5 none 16384 LSRK 340663.374 139.648 2288000.0 341807.3045 XX
                6 none 16384 LSRK 340963.095 -139.648 2288000.0 339819.1646 XX
                7 none 16384 LSRK 336663.380 139.648 2288000.0 337807.3104 XX
                8 none 16384 LSRK 344663.061 139.648 2288000.0 345806.9907 XX
                9 none 16384 LSRK 348962.774 -139.648 2288000.0 347818.8435 XX
                10 none 16384 LSRK 348663.053 139.648 2288000.0 349806.9837 XX
                11 none 16384 LSRK 352962.767 -139.648 2288000.0 351818.8367 XX
                12 none 16384 LSRK 352663.354 139.648 2288000.0 353807.2839 XX
                13 none 16384 LSRK 356963.067 -139.648 2288000.0 355819.1372 XX
                14 none 16384 LSRK 356663.347 139.648 2288000.0 357807.2771 XX
                15 none 16384 LSRK 360963.060 -139.648 2288000.0 359819.1302 XX
                  • Plot antenna array -

                  • Fig. 1: Antenna array. Click the figure for enlargement.
                  • Split & bin data -
                  • Listobs output (binned data) -@
                  • _____________________________________
                    @Note: the original spectral data are binned with bw = width3, or vector-averaging 8 channels to produce a new channel width of 1.117188 MHz, which provides an adequate velocity resolution (1 km/s) for this project.
                  Step 2: Inspecting and editing data -
                    CASA tasks:                               
                  • Usage of CASA-python-script module -
                      • Plot uv-coverage -

                      • Fig. 2: uv-coverage (spw 0,4,8,12) (all fields). Click the figure for enlargement.
                        • Plot elevation coverage -

                        • Fig. 3: Elevation coverage including all field (0~5). Black: 0 CG 2015+371; Red: 1 T1 CKVul; Orange: 2 T2 mwc349a; Green: 3 FL Neptune; Blue/Brown: 4~5 BP* 3c84/0319+415. Click the figure for enlargement.
                          • Plot fringe amplitude vs time -

                          • Fig. 4: Fringe amplitude vs time after flagging a few high-amplitude spikes in the inspect&editing cycle (pre-calibration). Black: 0 CG 2015+371; Red: 1 T1 CKVul; Orange: 2 T2 mwc349a; Green: 3 FL Neptune; Blue/Brown: 4~5 BP* 3c84/0319+415. Click the figure for enlargement.
                          Step 3: Set flux density scale -
                            CASA tasks:
                          • Usage of CASA-python-script module -
                            • Note: FL is Neptune that is used to set the flux-density scale with the model standard: Butler-JPL-Horizons 2012
                            • Setjy output -
                            • Table 3: Results of setjy -
                              FL is Neptune that is used to set the flux-density scale with the model standard: Butler-JPL-Horizons 2012
                              Reference source
                              Specral window
                              Flux density
                              Neptune: spw0 Flux:[I=25.854,Q=0.0,U=0.0,V=0.0] +/- [I=0.0,Q=0.0,U=0.0,V=0.0] Jy @ 336.82GHz
                              Neptune: spw1 Flux:[I=25.692,Q=0.0,U=0.0,V=0.0] +/- [I=0.0,Q=0.0,U=0.0,V=0.0] Jy @ 332.81GHz
                              Neptune: spw2 Flux:[I=25.693,Q=0.0,U=0.0,V=0.0] +/- [I=0.0,Q=0.0,U=0.0,V=0.0] Jy @ 332.82GHz
                              Neptune: spw3 Flux:[I=25.361,Q=0.0,U=0.0,V=0.0] +/- [I=0.0,Q=0.0,U=0.0,V=0.0] Jy @ 328.81GHz
                              Neptune: spw4 Flux:[I=22.053,Q=0.0,U=0.0,V=0.0] +/- [I=0.0,Q=0.0,U=0.0,V=0.0] Jy @ 344.82GHz
                              Neptune: spw5 Flux:[I=25.447,Q=0.0,U=0.0,V=0.0] +/- [I=0.0,Q=0.0,U=0.0,V=0.0] Jy @ 340.81GHz
                              Neptune: spw6 Flux:[I=25.444,Q=0.0,U=0.0,V=0.0] +/- [I=0.0,Q=0.0,U=0.0,V=0.0] Jy @ 340.82GHz
                              Neptune: spw7 Flux:[I=25.854,Q=0.0,U=0.0,V=0.0] +/- [I=0.0,Q=0.0,U=0.0,V=0.0] Jy @ 336.81GHz
                              Neptune: spw8 Flux:[I=22.073,Q=0.0,U=0.0,V=0.0] +/- [I=0.0,Q=0.0,U=0.0,V=0.0] Jy @ 344.81GHz
                              Neptune: spw9 Flux:[I=25.307,Q=0.0,U=0.0,V=0.0] +/- [I=0.0,Q=0.0,U=0.0,V=0.0] Jy @ 348.82GHz
                              Neptune: spw10 Flux:[I=25.296,Q=0.0,U=0.0,V=0.0] +/- [I=0.0,Q=0.0,U=0.0,V=0.0] Jy @ 348.81GHz
                              Neptune: spw11 Flux:[I=27.476,Q=0.0,U=0.0,V=0.0] +/- [I=0.0,Q=0.0,U=0.0,V=0.0] Jy @ 352.82GHz
                              Neptune: spw12 Flux:[I=27.472,Q=0.0,U=0.0,V=0.0] +/- [I=0.0,Q=0.0,U=0.0,V=0.0] Jy @ 352.81GHz
                              Neptune: spw13 Flux:[I=28.462,Q=0.0,U=0.0,V=0.0] +/- [I=0.0,Q=0.0,U=0.0,V=0.0] Jy @ 356.82GHz
                              Neptune: spw14 Flux:[I=28.459,Q=0.0,U=0.0,V=0.0] +/- [I=0.0,Q=0.0,U=0.0,V=0.0] Jy @ 356.81GHz
                              Neptune: spw15 Flux:[I=29.146,Q=0.0,U=0.0,V=0.0] +/- [I=0.0,Q=0.0,U=0.0,V=0.0] Jy @ 360.82GHz
                              Step 4: Solve for delay & bandpass -
                                CASA tasks:
                              • Usage of CASA-python-script module -
                                • Note: using the BP (3c84) to solve for delay.
                                    • Plot delay corrections -

                                    • Fig. 5: Antenna-based delay as function of time. The remaining delay shows a typical value of a few tens pico seconds, quite small. Click the figure for enlargement.
                                    • Note: two options of solving for bandpass
                                      • Option 1: 3c84 as defined early as a variable BP -
                                      • Option 2: Neptune that was identified as flux density calibrator (FL) and also can be used as bandpass calibrator (BP2) -
                                      • Plot bandpass phase correction -

                                      • Fig. 6: Antenna-based phase soultions as function of time solvd for BP, which needs to be applied to the data while solving for bandpass. Click the figure for enlargement.
                                        OPTION 1 -
                                        • Plot bandpass amplitude-

                                        • Fig. 7: Antenna-based bandpass solutions (amplitude) for option 1 (BP=3c84), solved with averaging every 16 channels. Top panel for antennas 1~4; bottom panel for antenna 5~8. Click the figure for enlargement.
                                          • Plot bandpass phase-

                                          • Fig. 8: Antenna-based bandpass solutions (phase) for option 1 (BP=3c84), solved with averaging every 16 channels. Top panel for antennas 1~4; bottom panel for antenna 5~8. Click the figure for enlargement.
                                            OPTION 2 -
                                            • Plot bandpass amplitude-

                                            • Fig. 9: Antenna-based bandpass solutions (amplitude) for option 2 (BP2=Neptune), solved with each channel. Top panel for antennas 1~4; bottom panel for antenna 5~8. Click the figure for enlargement.
                                              • Plot bandpass phase-

                                              • Fig. 10: Antenna-based bandpass solutions (phase) for option 1 (BP2=Neptune), solved with each channel. Top panel for antennas 1~4; bottom panel for antenna 5~8. Click the figure for enlargement.
                                              Step 5: Apply the delay and bandpass solution to the BP, CG, FL data - Step 6: Solve for complex gains -
                                                CASA tasks:
                                              • Usage of CASA-python-script module:
                                                • Note: solving for complex gains for the calibrators FL, BP and CG prior to bootstrape the flux-density scale
                                                    • Plot phase solutions in integration-

                                                    • Fig. 11. Antenna-based phase solutions (integration) for the calibrators FL, BP and CG. Click the figure for enlargement.
                                                      • Plot phase solutions in scan-

                                                      • Fig. 12. Antenna-based phase solutions (scan) for the calibrators FL, BP and CG. Click the figure for enlargement.
                                                      Step 7: Bootstrap flux-density scale from a reference source (FLname: Neptune) -
                                                        CASA tasks:
                                                      • Usage of CASA-python-script module:
                                                        • Note: Report from CASA bootstraping
                                                          • Table 4: A summary of flux density bootstraping -
                                                            Statistics of flux-density from the 16 spws
                                                            Flux density and 1 σ uncertainty (Jy)
                                                            Spectral index and 1 σ uncertainty
                                                            2015+3710.857746 +/- 0.00692425-0.953203 +/- 0.304559344.690
                                                            3c845.11449 +/- 0.0304287-1.08358 +/- 0.219112345.289
                                                            Step 8: Apply calibration solutions to the data -
                                                              CASA tasks:
                                                            • Usage of CASA-python-script module:
                                                              • Note: apply the calibrations to all the calibrators and target sources interested:
                                                                • 3c84 (BP),
                                                                • 2015+371 (CG),
                                                                • Neptune (FL),
                                                                • CKVul (T1), primary target
                                                                • mwc349a (T2), secondary target
                                                                Step 9: Examine and edit calibrated data -
                                                                  CASA tasks:
                                                                • Usage of CASA-python-script module:
                                                                  • CG(2015+371) -
                                                                    • Plot spectra -

                                                                    • Fig. 13 Spetra of the gain calibrator (2015+371). Top: amplitude. Bottom: phase. Click the figure for enlargement.
                                                                      • Plot uv structure -

                                                                      • Fig. 14. UV structure of the gain calibrator (2015+371). Click the figure for enlargement.
                                                                      • FL(Neptune) -
                                                                        • Plot spectrum -

                                                                        • Fig. 15. Spetrum of the flux-density calibrator (Neptune). A broad absorption spectral feature, centered in spw 8 at 345.7 GHz with a narrow emission spectral feature set in the absorption dip. Click the figure for enlargement.
                                                                          • Plot uv structure -

                                                                          • Fig. 16. UV structure of the flux-density calibrator (Neptune). Click the figure for enlargement.
                                                                          • BP(3c84) -
                                                                            • Plot spectrum -

                                                                            • Fig. 17. Spetrum of the delay/bandpass calibrator (3c84) after applying the corrections. Click the figure for enlargement.
                                                                              • Plot UV structure -

                                                                              • Fig. 18. UV structure of the bandpass calibrator (3c84). Click the figure for enlargement.
                                                                              • T2(mwc349a) -
                                                                                • Plot spectra -

                                                                                • Fig. 19. Spetrum of the secondary target source (mwc349a). A hydrogen maser line (H26a) at rest frequency 353.622795 GHz in spw 12 (orange) is prominent among all the 16 color-coded spectral windows (Top panel). Middle panel show the well-know double-peaked spectral features. The phase of the H26a maser line is also plotted (Bottom). Click the figure for enlargement.
                                                                                  • Plot UV structure -

                                                                                  • Fig. 20. UV structure of the econdary target source (mwc349a). Click the figure for enlargement.
                                                                                  • T1(CKVul) -
                                                                                    • Plot spectra -

                                                                                    • Fig. 21. Spectrum of the primary target source (CKVul). There are three possible spectral features are detected: spw8 (blue), the line peaked at 345.8 GHz; spw3 (green), the line peaked at 330.6 GHz; and a weak one in spw12 (orange), the line peaked 354.6 GHz. The three individual spw lines are shown followed the full (16) spw plot. Click the figure for enlargement. The three line features are identified as CO(3-2), 13CO(3-2) and HCN(4-3) at rest frequences of 345795.9899, 330587.9601, and 354505.4759 MHz, respectively.
                                                                                      Note: The molecular lines were identified by the PI. The rest frequencies were from JPL Molecular Spectroscopy.
                                                                                      • Plot UV structure -

                                                                                      • Fig. 22. UV structure of the primary target source (CKVul). Click the figure for enlargement.
                                                                                      Step 10: Split calibrated multi-source into single-source data - Step 11: Examine the calibrated data with imaging -
                                                                                        CASA tasks:
                                                                                             clean (tclean)
                                                                                      • Usage of CASA-python-script module:
                                                                                        • Image calibrators and the secondary target (continuum emission) -
                                                                                        • Table 4: Images -
                                                                                          Examination of the calibrated data by making images with Brigg's weight (R=2) or nature weight
                                                                                          2015+371 (CG)
                                                                                          Neptune (FL)
                                                                                          mwc349a (T2)
                                                                                          3c84 (BP)
                                                                                          CKVul (T1)
                                                                                          Sp = 0.74 Jy/beam, rms = 0.002 Jy/beam, FWHM = 4.16"x2.26" (38 deg) Sp = 20.1 Jy/beam, rms = 0.09 Jy/beam, FWHM = 5.26"x2.06" (28 deg) Sp = 2.33 Jy/beam, rms = 0.003 Jy/beam, FWHM = 4.58"x2.29" (34 deg) Sp=5.28 Jy/beam, rms = 0.005 Jy/beam, FWHM = 6.00"x2.16" (61 deg) Sp=0.147 Jy/beam, rms = 1.1 mJy/beam,FWHM =4.62"x2.34" (30.7 deg)
                                                                                          Note: Calibrators (2015+371, Neptune, mwc349a, 3c84) - contours are Sp x (-0.1, 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4,..., 0.8, 0.9). Target (CKVul) - contours are Sp x (-0.04, 0.03, 0.05, 0.075, 0.1, 0.15, 0.2, 0.3 ..., 0.9). Click an image for enlargement.

                                                                                        Imaging calibrated SWARM data -

                                                                                            Step 12: Image continuum data -
                                                                                              CASA tasks:
                                                                                                   clean (tclean)
                                                                                            • Usage of CASA-python-script module:
                                                                                              • Image CK Vul (T1) continuum emission -

                                                                                                Fig. 23. SMA image of CKVul at 345 GHz with Brigg's weight (R=0). Left: color version. Right: contour version. Contours = 92 mJy/Beam x (-0.03, 0.03, 0.04, 0.05, 0.06, 0.08, 0.1, 0.15, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5, 0.6, 0.7, 0.8, 0.9), rms = 0.9 mJy/beam. FWHM = 2.8"x 1.6" (23 deg).
                                                                                              Step 13: Identify spectral lines and construction image cubes -
                                                                                              Step 14: Combine different array data -
                                                                                                CASA tasks:
                                                                                              • Usage of CASA-python-script module:
                                                                                                • 180520_09:32:09 (extended array 2017B-S002), LO Freq: 341.1(B) 341.1(A). Sub-arcsec redolution (0.7"-0.8").
                                                                                                  To be done....
                                                                                                Step 15: Convert CASA images to FITS -
                                                                                                  CASA tasks:
                                                                                                • Usage of CASA-python-script module: