#----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # IRACproc: IRAC Post-BCD Processing v4.3 PROCESSING QUICK REFERENCE HICOV #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- (c) 2005 Mike Schuster, Massimo Marengo (mmarengo@cfa.harvard.edu) (c) 2005 SAO - Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory 25 JUL 2007 Quick reference for high coverage redundancy IRAC data. See HOWTO_PROC for more detailed instructions. #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Processing Step #1 - Data Initialization #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Run the script fixup to create the proc_dir directory structure and prepare files for IRACproc. "proc_dir" is where you will process your data. Your working directory will be: //proc_dir/reduce/. user_name][ cd // List related AORs to be processed (aor.lis - absolute or relative paths OK). To view options type 'fixup -h' at the command prompt. user_name][ fixup -pmasks mmmyy -aorlist aor.lis proc_dir -or- List related AORs to be processed on the command line user_name][ fixup -pmasks mmmyy proc_dir aor1 aor2 ... aorN #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Wrapper/Log For Batch Processing Steps 2 and 3 #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Use a text editor to modify the 'my_iracproc.pdl' file located in reduce/. Then, 'cd' into reduce/, start perlDL and type 'my_iracproc()' at the prompt. A duplicate of the original, un-modified file is also placed in the Lists/ sub-directory. #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Processing Step #2 - Make Master Image Lists #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Make the initial list of images to be processed. To view options type 'mkmopex_bcd()' at the perlDL prompt. To view information file type 'help mkmopex_bcd' at the perlDL prompt, or see IRACproc/docs/mkmopex_bcd.html for additional information. perldl> mkmopex_bcd('../Lists/list.par',{FOV=>'all',FT=>30,CH=>1}) perldl> mkmopex_bcd('../Lists/list.par',{FOV=>'all',FT=>30,CH=>2}) perldl> mkmopex_bcd('../Lists/list.par',{FOV=>'all',FT=>30,CH=>3}) perldl> mkmopex_bcd('../Lists/list.par',{FOV=>'all',FT=>30,CH=>4}) * CH is the IRAC channel: '1' (default), '2', '3', '4' * FT is the frametime of the images (check header keyword FRAMTIME) * FOV can also be set to 'on' to ignore off-field frames #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Processing Step #3 - Make Mosaic Images w/ Outlier Rejection #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Create a mosaic of the images in Lists/bcd_I.lis. To view options type 'mkmosaic_bcd()' at the perlDL prompt. To view information file type 'help mkmosaic_bcd' at the perlDL prompt, or see IRACproc/docs/mkmosaic_bcd.html for additional information. perldl> mkmosaic_bcd({NAME=>'',MASTER_FIF=>0,CR_FLAG=>0,STEPS=>[1,1,1,1,1,1],CH=>1}) perldl> mkmosaic_bcd({NAME=>'',MASTER_FIF=>0,CR_FLAG=>0,STEPS=>[1,1,1,1,1,1],CH=>2}) perldl> mkmosaic_bcd({NAME=>'',MASTER_FIF=>0,CR_FLAG=>0,STEPS=>[1,1,1,1,1,1],CH=>3}) perldl> mkmosaic_bcd({NAME=>'',MASTER_FIF=>0,CR_FLAG=>0,STEPS=>[1,1,1,1,1,1],CH=>4}) Quit PDL - you will need to restart for the next target. perldl> quit By default, copies of the final mosaics and coverage maps are placed in analysis/ with the filenames: I__mosaic.fits and I__mosaic_cov.fits. * NAME is the string placed in the default output image filenames * CH is the IRAC channel: '1' (default), '2', '3', '4' * STEPS is a set of six logical flags to turn on/off stages of processing * MASTER_FIF uses a master Fiducial Image Frame ('0' is no, '1' is yes) * CROTA2 is the position angle of N in final mosaic, CCW from +y-axis 'A' (average, default), '0.' for North up * PIXEL_SIZE is the mosaic pixel size in arcseconds (default is 0.86267016) * CR_FLAG flags outliers in BCD Dmask images ('0' is no, '1' is yes)