These images are made available to the community for research purposes in the standard .FITS format. If you do use them for scientific work, please cite their original source: "Ringed Substructure and a Gap at 1 AU in the Nearest Protoplanetary Disk" Andrews, S. M., Wilner, D. J., Zhu, Z., Birnstiel, T., Carpenter, J. M., Perez, L. M., Bai, X., Oberg, K. I., Hughes, A. M., Isella, A., & Ricci, L. 2016, Astrophysical Journal Letters, 820, L40 The '30mas' file is used as the main image in our Figure 1. The '20mas' file is used as the inset in our Figure 1, and for the representations in Figure 2. Please note that the dirty beam for the '20mas' has ~20% sidelobe features oriented at approximately 60/240 degrees in position angle (see Sect 2 in the article): do not mistake any artifacts these introduce as real features (e.g., do not write an article claiming that there are faint streamers of material flowing across the 1 AU gap; you will end up having to retract it!). The 'Tb_profile.dat' file contains the brightness temperature profile shown in the bottom panel of Figure 2: the first column is radius in AU, the second column is the brightness temperature in K (calculated with the full Planck function, rather than the Rayleigh-Jeans approximation). Other technical questions can be directed to Sean Andrews via email (, but I cannot guarantee a response timescale. Enjoy! (last update: 2016 March 31)