The file multiplets.dat can be read with my IDL routine read_struct, or by any flat ascii table reader. The top 4 lines form a simple header, that describes the content of the file, the rest is a flat ascii table corresponding to an array of 24 columns and 5756 lines. column 1 is nVal - long - order, n 2 lVal - long - degree, l 3 freq - double - mode frequency, [uHz] 4 sFreq - double - uncertainty on the mode frequency, [uHz] - using the 1% (conservative) systematic contribution 5 nFit - long - number of m fitted to reduce singlets to this multiplet 6 nDeg - long - degree of the Clebsch-Gordan coefficients fit 7 nKept - long - number of m kept in the fit, after a 3-sigma rejection 8 dFreq - double - ridge to mode frequency correction, zonal value, (model.freq_ridge - model.freq_mode), [uHz] 9 FWHM_r - double - FWHM of the ridge, zonal value, [uHz] 10 alpha_r - double - asymmetry of the ridge, zonal value, [-] 11 amp_r - double - amplitude of the ridge, zonal value, [arb. unit] 12 sFWHM_r - double - uncertainty on FWHM of the ridge, zonal value [uHz] 13 sAlpha_r - double - uncertainty on asymmetry of the ridge, zonal value [-] 14 sAmp_r - double - uncertainty on amplitude of the ridge, zonal value [arb. unit] 15 FWHM_m - double - FWHM of the mode, after correction, negative if only upper limit, [uHz] 16 alpha_m - double - asymmetry of the mode, after correction [-] 17 amp_m - double - amplitude of the mode, after correction [arb. unit]] 18 sFWHM_m - double - uncertainty on estimate of FWHM of the mode [uHz] 19 sAlpha_m - double - uncertainty on estimate of asymmetry of the mode [-] 20 sAmp_m - double - uncertainty on estimate of amplitude of the mode [arb. unit] 21 xFWHM - double - mode to ridge widening term, [uHz] 22 FWHM_e - double - effective FWHM of the mode, [uHz] 23 dAlpha - double - ridge to mode asymmetry correction (model.alpha_ridge - model.alpha_mode), [-] 24 rAmp - double - ridge to mode amplitude ratio correction (model.amp_ridge/model.amp_mode)