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Focal-plane arrays
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Large focal-plane arrays

The emerging technology of focal-plane arrays will dramatically increase the sensitivity and speed of single-dish submillimeter-wave telescopes in the next decade.  The SPST design fully exploits this new technology, by providing a large field of view.  The current generation of array receivers,  SCUBA and SHARC, are producing impressive results. The 10 meter telescope could feed a bolometer array with as many as 10,000 pixels.
Instrument Current Status

Number of detectors, n

SCUBA operational


BOLOCAM in development


SAFIRE in development


SPECS proposed


The large jump in n between the current version of BOLOCAM and SAFIRE reflects the development of cryogenic multiplex readouts.

Image Sizes of Submillimeter-wave Telescopes. Simulated images from the SPST and FIRST are compared to SCUBA results and the image size of the ALMA. The simulated data for SPST and FIRST are the Guiderdoni protogalaxy Scenario B model observed to an rms noise level of 1 mJy per pixel with a broad-band bolometer array.  This noise level is attainable with about two hours of on-source time at the SPST and 20 minutes of on-source time with FIRST.  It is assumed that the protogalaxies are Gaussian distributed (i.e., not clustered). A black pixel corresponds to 78 mJy, a white pixel is 0 mJy, and the greyscale is linear. The wide-field 10m plot shows over 500 individual sources at the 5s  level.  


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Last modified: April 23, 2000