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Zhou et al., A well aligned orbit for the 45 Myr old transiting Neptune DS Tuc Ab, ApJL, submitted arXiv

Zhou et al., Two new HATNet hot Jupiters around A stars, and the first glimpse at the occurrence rate of hot Jupiters from TESS, AJ, 158, 141 arXiv

Zhou et al., HATS-70b: A 13 Mjup brown dwarf transiting an A star, AJ, 157, 31 arXiv

Zhou et al., The Warm Neptunes around HD 106315 Have Low Stellar Obliquities, AJ, 2018, 156, 93 arXiv

Zhou et al., Occultations from an Active Accretion Disk in a 72-day Detached Post-Algol System Detected by K2, ApJ, 2018, 854, 109 arXiv

Zhou et al., HAT-P-67b: An Extremely Low Density Saturn Transiting an F-Subgiant Confirmed via Doppler Tomography, AJ, 2017, 153, 211 arXiv

Zhou et al., KELT-17: A hot-Jupiter transiting an A-star in a misaligned orbit detected with Doppler tomography, AJ, 2016, 152, 136 arXiv

Zhou et al., Simultaneous infrared and optical observations of the transiting debris cloud around WD 1145+017, MNRAS, 2016, 463, 4422 arXiv

Zhou et al., Spin orbit alignment for KELT-7b and HAT-P-56b via Doppler tomography with TRES, MNRAS, 2016, 460, 3376 arXiv

Zhou et al., A High Obliquity Orbit for the Hot-Jupiter HATS-14b Transiting a 5400K Star, ApJL, 2015, 814L, 16. arXiv

Zhou et al., Secondary eclipse observations for seven hot-Jupiters from the Anglo-Australian Telescope, MNRAS, 2015, 454, 300. arXiv

Zhou et al., A 0.25+0.18Msun double-lined eclipsing binary from the HATSouth survey, MNRAS, 2015, 451, 2263. arXiv

Zhou et al., Ks band secondary secondary eclipses of WASP-19b and WASP-43b with the Anglo-Australian Telescope, MNRAS, 2014, 445, 2746. arXiv

Zhou et al., HATS-5b: A Transiting hot-Saturn from the HATSouth Survey, AJ, 147, 144. arXiv

Zhou et al., The Mass-Radius Relationship for Very Low Mass Stars: Four New Discoveries from the HATSouth Survey, MNRAS, 2013, 437, 2831. arXiv

Zhou & Huang, A highly inclined orbit for the 110-day period M-dwarf companion KOI-368.01, ApJL, 2013, 776L, 35. arXiv

Zhou et al., Examining the broadband emission spectrum of WASP-19b: A new z band eclipse detection, ApJ, 2013, 774, 118. arXiv

Zhou & Bayliss, Detection of sodium absorption in WASP-17b with Magellan, MNRAS, 2012, 426, 2483. arXiv