Colors and Graphs: Spectrum Lab

In order to interpret the light from your mystery planet, you'll need to know how to read the light's spectrum. Try these challenges. They're easy and fun, and they're designed to get you thinking about what those graphs really mean.

Open the Spectrum Lab

Click here to open the spectrum lab.

Try the challenges below. They're easy and fun, and they're designed to get you thinking about what those graphs really mean.

Challenge Level One: Easy

Playing With the Graph

Place your cursor over the graph. Then click and drag your mouse. What happens to the spectrum of colors? Try making a smooth curve and see what happens. Now make a sharp, spiky curve.

Graphing a Single Color

Make a graph that shows ONLY yellow light.

(Check your answer here.)

Graphing Two Separate Colors

Make a graph that corresponds to ONLY red light and green light.

Challenge Level Two: Medium

Dim and Bright

Make a graph that is dim blue but bright yellow. Now make one that is bright blue and dim yellow. What's the connection between the height of your curve and the brightness of the light that it represents?

Predicting a Graph

Which graph does this spectrum correspond to?


Click on your choice:

Decoding a Graph

Which spectrum of light does this graph correspond to?


Click on your choice:

Challenge Level Three: Highest

TV Remote Control

Make a graph that shows the infrared light that your remote control might give off. (The graph should produce NO VISIBLE LIGHT, only INFRARED LIGHT.)

Red-Hot Object

Make a graph that shows the range of light that a red-hot coal or iron might give off. Hint: A red-hot object also gives off light in the infrared. (Check your answer here.)

Thought Question

Could a warm object (such as yourself) be giving off light that is invisible to our eyes? For example, could a warm object give off only infrared light?

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